


You can definitely attract men with a great sense of style. The problem is, how do you develop this? The first thing you need to do is spend a bit more time on shopping, your closet, and organizing outfits that look good together. The second thing you need to do is spend more time with your accessories. A few nice pieces can set your look apart, and make you look like a fashion icon. This photograph of AshLee Frazier looks so simple and natural, yet clearly she put some time and effort into the look. The key is to look amazing, while at the same time making it all look effortless.

Only wear one bright colored or patterned piece of clothing

Here are a few tips about Ashlee’s look that you can learn from. First of all, anytime you have a bright pattern as shown with her leggings, you are going to want to tone the rest of your look down. For example, these bright leggings would not have looked good with bright red lipstick! The do however, compliment well with her toned down makeup and natural tones. Notice the way she pairs the noisy pants with a simple black tank top. If you are going to wear a bright pattern, make sure the entire rest of your outfit is subdued. This is part of why she looks put together.

Keep makeup tones natural, try mineral makeup

Another tip you can clean from this wonderful photograph is that it really makes you look young when you keep your makeup colors natural. If you wear no makeup, you look washed out. But if you wear bright colored makeup, you look garish. This makeup is the perfect compromise obviously she is wearing it, but the natural mineral colors look pure, simple and clean. Notice she has a subtle pink link balm on, and plenty of mascara to accentuate her pretty eyes. Her brows are polished with a nice arch but still remain on the thicker side, with a sexy tail end to them. Try natural tone concealer, pressed powder in earth tone, mineral makeup blush in a natural sunlit brown color, and lots of mascara. Again, she is following the same rule above. If you are going to make something dramatic, make only one thing dramatic. In this case, her makeup looks very natural, but she does have on substantial black mascara to make her beautiful eyes pop.

Look for original jewelry designs that show your personality

You have to love her jewelry choices. When this girl picks out accessories she definitely knows what she is doing. Her collection of bracelets are adorable, including the unique beaded baby blue bracelet. Unique jewelry designs that are made from natural leather, natural stones like turquoise and interested beads, really stand out. They aren’t what you usually see and it shows this girl chooses what to wear according to what she things is original and unique. She is following her own fashion sense which is example what makes her look so stylish.

Lastly, her hair is adorable. Some women tend to bleach their hair into submission. In fact, a more natural look at the roots complements skin tone and the face quite well. Think twice before going completely bleach blond. If you have a dirty blond hair, just realize it is beautiful – just as beautiful if not more so, than bleached out blond. A few sunlit highlights that look natural can completely somersault the look of mousy brown without damaging your hair. Her natural light brown is just so pretty. And the cute youthful braid with some gold highlights through the ends give her a perfect sun kissed look. You can look at her fashion blog AshLee Frazier, for more ideas. She spends a lot of time on her blog and if you are looking for style ideas definitely check it out.

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