
If ever you find a man who makes you smile. And makes your life complete. Face the fact and down your pride. Keep and never let go of that person. Because there’s no right one if you find the real one.

The love of your life

Is he the love of your life? If you are still feeling unsure about him then you still need more time to get to know him better. If you have second thoughts, he may not really be the love of your life.  In any relationship you are going to have second thoughts and question if the man you are with is the right one or if there is still someone else out there. If you feel certain undeniable feelings about him, you may be in the right arms.

He bring out the best in you

The love of your life will be the type of person who is there for you and helps you gain more confidence. He will bring out your best. If for example you have the image of a bad girl, your love of life will not criticize you but rather bring out your feminine side and family traits.  The love of your life will bring you up and make you feel better about who you are and what your station in life is.  He will make you feel as though you are building a better future together.

He brightens your day and you look forward to seeing him

If you constantly think about him all the time he may be the love of your life. If your day is brightened when he sees you then he may be the love of your life. The love of your life is that man where you are completely excited to see him whenever you get together. You always look forward to seeing him and miss him so much when you don’t. A really big sign that he is the love of your life is that he is permanently on your mind.  If you are in a fight, you still feel the urge to make up with him.

He is your knight in shining armor and will go out of his way

The love of your life will be someone that you can count on. If you make plans he will not flake out or vanish. If you have car trouble or work trouble or are sick he will care about how you are feeling. He will make you feel secure that he will be there for you. The love of your life will give you the impression that he is in it for the long haul with you. You feel secure that he will be there for you through life’s good times and also the difficulties.

He is willing to make sacrafices for your relationship

The love of your life is willing to make sacrifices for you. For example if he was a player he will be willing to stop the dating and cease pursuing other women. He will want to do this for you because he respects you and does not wish to lose you. He will behave his best because he knows that you expect that and deserve that.  The love of your life will do things for you that he may not be willing to do for others. He shows he cares and is someone that is truly worth loving.

You have strong chemistry with him

Don’t underestimate the need for good chemistry with the love of your life. It isen’t enough to be just friends that are close. He has to make your heart skip a beat. You need to feel passionate about him. When you watch the passionate kisses in a movie such as The Notebook, he comes to your mind. You don’t just force yourself to kiss him, you want to kiss him. The love of your life will attract you in a unique and strong way. You’ll like the way he looks, smells, tastes and acts.  If you find yourself forcing or faking chemistry he may not be the love of your life.

Finding someone special is like finding a needle in the haystack. Once you do find him, be sure to treat him well because you do not want to lose him. If he is the love of your life you might need to make compromises, lower your pride, and also tell him and show him how much he means to you.

The love of your life

© 2012 Seduction Meaning